Therapist-Approved Ways To Being Creative

Creativity can touch and influence us in a lot of ways. It can help us improve our personal scale without trying so hard. Creativeness combined with imagination becomes essential for our overall progress because it supports the development of our physical, emotional, and mental states. With that, here are a few therapist-approved ways to be creative.


Integrate Art

One of the significant aspects of creativity is exposure to different types of art. Therefore, we should learn how to value the importance of art integration in our lives. When we incorporate art into our daily routine, our brain starts to reflect on it and take it as a part of our individuality. This process trains us to become more self-aware and conscious of our surroundings. It makes us search for meaning, look through the depths of a message, and understand the information we grasp daily.

Integrating art into our lives makes us appreciate ourselves even better. It helps us gain inspiration towards our talents and capabilities that we often do not know existed. It enables us to think about thorough concepts and ideas that we want to focus on working on and share with the world.

Ask Questions

Asking questions creates a climate of curiosity. It is curiosity that defines creativity. It helps us gather information and use it to build particular connections of ideas to develop rational opinions. It enables us to summarize a concept and build something out of it. Asking questions is beneficial as it paves the way for us to gain better skills, particularly in imagination, knowledge, and mindfulness. It supports the benefits of creative thoughts as it allows us to have a space to learn and explore.

Asking questions also improves our communication skills as it may show we are paying attention to the things around us. It enhances our attentiveness as we show interest in things and people. It allows us to build stronger relationships with others and help us become more engaging.


Express Ideas

Effective mental health campaigns such as creativity, stem from ideas, whether it is small or big. Therefore, practicing ourselves to express ideas can help us trust the process of what we are doing. It can support our ability to stay focused and patient with any task or project. The more we express it, the more we’ll have access to and make it happen. Expressing ideas is about being positive in completing any future projects.

Since new concepts will come naturally, and we will be quicker to get any sessions to work and embrace new outcomes, expressing ideas will help us experience freedom. We can guarantee an expanded sense of time where we can put integrity in our work.

Embrace Risk

Working on creativity often comes with risks. That is because not all ideas are subject to acceptance since most of them tend to fail. However, embracing risk makes us more eager to achieve great results. And the more desensitized we are to failure, the more we become willing to take chances. It gives us the courage to express ourselves differently and try new things.

Embracing risk is a process. Once we get a hold of it, we can reap its seeds. It will make us achieve the things we always wanted and help us become more aware of other opportunities. It can increase our self-confidence and make us leave our comfort zone and do the things we don’t usually do.



It is such as important factor to take a step back and observe the things around us. Being observant can help us build our receptivity towards different things we like and those we don’t. Through observation, we can develop unique and rational opinions from the plenty of challenges we face daily. And when we are capable of looking at things differently, that’s when our creativity opens an opportunity.

Enhanced observant ability is essential to creativity as it promotes productivity, efficiency, recognition, and positive output. It helps us understand more the gap between ourselves towards our surroundings. It allows us to gain new knowledge and positive behavior that supports learning and development.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a habit that is genuinely good for our overall emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental health. Its advantages continue beyond there. Mindfulness supports creativity as it helps bring positive mental energy and resilience. It is a technique that helps us achieve better attunement that allows us to play our skills and strengths efficiently. Mindfulness can enhance our ability to think clearly, become aware of our thoughts, and make us less distracted.

With mindfulness, our creativity heightens because it promotes emotional intelligence. It lets us clearly understand what acceptance, kindness, gratitude, and compassion are. All of which are the essentials for a happy and fulfilled life.


When we get down to what’s more important in life, which is to create something from scratch, we keep going. We will eventually realize that creation is the only way we can go further with our imagination and dreams.

Advantages Of Creative Therapy

Therapy usually refers to the treatment that helps individuals get through their emotional, physical, and mental health. Some examples include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), emotion-focused therapy, and many more. In this article, we will focus more on the advantages of the treatment, particularly creative therapy.


What Is A Creative Therapy, And When Do You Need To Get One?

Creative therapy uses a wide range of techniques that focus on expression and creativity, such as dance therapy, writing therapy, drama therapy, art therapy, and model-making. It is a type of therapy that supports expression in creative ways. At times when individuals are struggling with a condition, they may not be able to talk or want others to know about their situation. With their emotional and mental health struggle, they often find it hard to discuss their issue. Fortunately, creative therapy can enable them to release their true feelings and thoughts healthily.

Types Of Creative Therapy


Art Therapy

Art therapy is a technique that uses drawing, sketching, sculpting, doodling, and painting. Art therapy is for everybody who wants to release their thoughts and create something out of their current emotions. In art therapy, one does not need to be a brilliant artist or an expert in using some art materials. It is all about creating something out of the ordinary with the use of the available tools. Art therapy is best for people who are:

  • Struggling with learning disabilities.
  • Experiencing social problems at school.
  • Dealing with a traumatic event.
  • Struggling with severe stress.
  • Experiencing negative thoughts and emotions
  • Battling with mental health problems and disorders.
  • Living with a brain injury.
  • Having thoughts of self-harm and suicide.

Model Making

Model making is a type of treatment that supports imaginative and building skills. These may include making a miniature, diorama, building, figures, and so on. It helps individuals as most of the process requires concentration and focus. It improves their abilities, including accuracy, focus, awareness, imagination, and patience. Model-making is beneficial to people who are:

  • Dealing with a memory dysfunction or mental block.
  • Experiencing a lack of interest in most things.
  • Having emotional distress.
  • Struggling with mental clarity and focus.
  • Having difficulty processing feelings of loneliness.
  • Experiencing minor to major stress.


Dance Therapy

Dance therapy is one of the most engaging types of treatment, and people love it. This type of treatment requires bodily coordination that also helps with physical strength. Not only does it boost the overall physical immune system, but it also helps individuals to express their emotions and thoughts through their movements. It is genuinely therapeutic and fun to do. Some of the noteworthy benefits of dance therapy include the following:

  • Best stress reliever.
  • Increase physical fitness and immune function.
  • Lowers blood pressure levels
  • Develops motor skills.
  • Reconnects the mind and body.
  • Supports imagination and creativity.
  • Helps improve self-awareness and confidence.
  • Increases the ability to express emotions.



Writing Therapy

The easiest form of creative therapy is writing therapy. It is also known as journaling. People with mental and emotional health problems take advantage of creative thinking in writing to cultivate the ability to express thoughts and feelings in a more reflexive way. It helps individuals have control over their lives and gives them a sense of empowerment toward their desire for the future. Writing therapy provides the benefits of the following:

  • Gives better self-assessment
  • Provides appreciation and gratitude towards things
  • Supports mental clarity and focus
  • Decreases symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Improves vocabulary and comprehension
  • Supports cognitive growth and development
  • Reduces emotional, physical, and mental distress
  • Boosts critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Encourages a lifestyle change


Drama Therapy

Drama therapy is a therapeutic form of treatment that requires interaction. It helps mentally and emotionally ill people to develop self-awareness and self-expression. It allows people to express emotions through controlled moods, which help with precise reactions to conflict, traumatic events, and life challenges. Drama therapy benefits those who want to picture the world in a different mindset without relying on direct communication. Other perks of this particular treatment include:

  • Helps prevent anxiety and depression symptoms.
  • Promote better mood regulation.
  • Increases empathy and understanding towards difficult situations.
  • Encourages change in perception towards addiction.
  • Creates a safe space for emotional growth and control.
  • Provides a different outlet for venting emotional distress.
  • Supports the rehearsal of healthy behavior.
  • Develops a meaningful change toward a new perspective


Takeaway And Insights

Mental and emotional problems affect people more than they realize. And sometimes, they deal with the situation differently from others. Creative therapies may work, but they may also not impact others. These activities can only provide people with immediate support. However, this does not guarantee a cure. Thus, it is always better to seek professional help in severe situations.