Marketing 101: All About The 4 Effective Cognitive Health Wellness Campaigns

Mental health is now becoming a global issue. With this, more and more brands are coming up with mental health awareness campaigns to raise awareness and break the mental health stigma. But with the sheer number of companies that use this strategy, only a few have been successful. Let’s take a look at the most effective and practical mental health campaigns of 2020.

The #HeadsUp


The research revealed that the most common death cause for men younger than 45 years old is suicide. Therefore, Heads Together and FA partnered to develop impactful psychological soundness movements that will discuss the mental health stigma of cognitive illness or cognitive disorder while highlighting how poor the understanding is of the gravity of this topic. That’s why they showed strategies on how to support those experiencing mental health issues or mental illness.


Understanding The Importance Of The Digital Awareness Approach That Supports Cognitive Wellness


What stood out with these mental health ads is how they discussed the perspective of men. The reality is that men are less likely to ask for help and support from others. They shy away from sharing their emotions with other young people. This concept was the focus of the campaign’s key messages.


Heads and FA found the perfect avenue for this movement. They maximized sports to send the message through the help of its primary ambassador, Prince William. #HeadsUp rolled out to all sports tiers – including both the amateurs and the mental health professionals to reach a wider audience.


Few Of The Effective Digital Campaigns Useful for Cognitive Wellness


Among all the conversation topics, men are most likely to lean towards sports. The majority of them equally enjoy participating in them and talking about them.  Thus, they anchored the campaign or movement in sports, given that it is a huge opportunity.  That’s why they followed this up with how they can tap the next phase of this content conversation as an opening to seek support resources for mental health.


Leeds NHS



MindMate spearheaded Leeds NHS, a multi-channel mental health awareness movement. All of these initiatives started by creating a website. Since they identified that younger audiences and young adults are part of the vulnerable population, they entered the digital realm.


The site did not only feature educational resources and games. It also collaborated with those individuals suffering from cognitive well-being problems, wherein they featured their real-life stories. The reason why they did this was simple. They want to show everyone that what they are feeling is not an isolated case. Instead, this is the reality of life, and anyone may pass by this roadblock.


In 2018, they stepped up the game. To be able to reach more of the target market, they expanded the crusade through Snapchat. They drafted ten Snapchat filters for their MindMate ambassadors, and this is where the interaction revolves. It was a trend back then, so it sparked the interest of the young generation.


The result? More people felt more comfortable speaking out about the key message that they’re also undergoing cognitive disorders and problems. It also became an avenue for them to talk openly to those who they feel understand them as well.


The Power Of Okay


It’s not surprising that mental health problems are prevalent in the workplace. Yes, a lot of employers see this as something personal. That’s why they tend to keep their hands off from the issue. However, most leaders miss out that cognitive conditions also impact the way an employee works. That’s where See Me, a national program of Scotland, came in.


The Power of Okay aimed to end mental health discrimination, especially in places where this usually occurs. They pinpointed this as the workplace.


They started the movement by surveying 1,165 Scottish workers. They asked about different topics on cognitive wellness services and disorders and what their attitude is towards it. The results revealed that 48 percent do not talk to their employers regarding health issues like these since they’re afraid to lose their jobs. At the same time, 55 percent do not speak up due to the fear of not getting promoted.


The movement was anchored on a video showing the realities in the workplace. It revolved around the concept of colleagues asking each other, ‘”Are you okay?” It was a massive success since it adopted the employee’s everyday language in their work environment. It also aimed to normalize this phrase to keep the conversations going and eliminate the fear they feel.


The #HereForYou


Instagram launched the #HereForYou social media campaign in 2017. They timed it to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Month in May and aim to focus on helping the target audience.


This concept started with the idea that social media is becoming a powerful tool for sharing cognitive soundness journeys fearlessly. They feel that this platform, particularly Instagram, is an excellent avenue for a community to help. It’s not something new to Instagram since they observed various effective mental health campaigns there, and they easily connect to those in need.


That’s where the hashtag, #HereForYou, came in. They made sure that those who are still lost on their journey receive support by just placing this hashtag on their photos or stories posted.


They also supported this mental health campaign with an app that will anonymously help users struggling with cognitive health. After receiving tips, Instagram reaches out to that particular user. They offer support options such as giving cognitive soundness resources, promoting cognitive wellness apps, or even connecting them with mental health organizations.

Wellness Awareness Final Thoughts And Take Away To Consider

It’s good to know that more and more brands are now entering the realm of psychological soundness. They use their strong following to teach and provide knowledge regarding this sensitive topic. Hopefully, we get to slowly break the stigma through the help of their cognitive wellness ad health campaign by constantly raising health awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes an impactful cognitive wellness movement?

What is an example of a cognitive wellness crusade?

How do you campaign cognitive wellness awareness?

What is a psychological wellness advocacy campaign?

What is the mental health campaigns and reform?

What movement reduces stigma about cognitive soundness?

What is the drive for World Mental Health Day?

What is the campaign slogan for cognitive wellness?

Why is the psychological wellness awareness movement important?

How can I promote Cognitive Wellness Day?

How to promote mental health awareness quotes?

What successful cognitive wellness movements help instill positivity in people with psychological issues?

What’s the Stamp Out Stigma all about?

Why is it beneficial to decrease stigma relating to cognitive wellness?

How can the media promote or affect people’s approach to cognitive wellness?