The Impacts Of Writing’s Creative Thinking

Writing will help you interact more successfully as you develop the ability to think creatively and accurately to put your feelings and thoughts into words. The ability of creative thinking is vital and crucial in all facets of life.

Creative thinking is your ability to generate novel, innovative solutions. Creative thinking, also referred to as creative problem-solving, is a valued and desirable soft skill across a wide range of professions. The core of creative thinking is coming up with original approaches to challenging issues and situations where you often find yourself stuck. Not only do creative thinkers generate a lot of thoughts, but also an extensive variety of concepts.


Writing creatively will help you enageg in a dialogue or communicate your thoughts on what’s happening inside and outside your head. Creative thinking gives you a distinctive voice and brings out your point of view without boundaries. It’s much more than just writing better stories or narratives, spelling, and vocabulary. Writing creatively allows you to use your imagination or your artistic ability to think beyond the box, which helps you become more imaginative and innovative to push boundaries in your mental processes.

You will discover how writing activities fosters creative thinking and how it can improve your physical, mental, and emotional wellness in a variety of ways. Writing creatively can help you analyze the reasons behind your feelings and have a clear understanding of your thoughts when you’re coping with challenging emotions. It’s a chance to resolve any discomfort we’re feeling so we can resume our goals for the day. It’s also a beneficial technique to reduce the unfavorable thoughts and feelings we encounter on a daily basis.

Writing’s Creative Ideas

Fosters An Imaginative Thinking And Writing

Everyone is interested in stories, and being able to tell them effectively is a useful talent. Creative writing activities teach you how to write engaging, persuasive, and educational pieces that inspire audiences or readers to adopt new perspectives on the world. As a writer, you can explore a unique idea and, go through your creative side and let your imagination run wild through creative writing time. It creates an abstract blank slate for creative thought, pushing us past our comfort zones and creating new opportunities. Creative writing will suit your needs if you enjoy using well-reasoned arguments and anecdotes to convey your feelings.

Your ability to think creatively when writing helps you imagine new settings, scenarios, and characters for your stories. Your ability to “think outside the box” will help you develop more skill at coming up with alternate solutions to challenges and taking an example of fresh perspective on them. The perspectives you have will broaden, and you’ll be able to think beyond your comfort zone to find solutions to issues. You may think of and clearly imagine ideas, fresh viewpoints, intriguing connections, and goals when you have creative thinking and imagination. Creativity is the capacity to create and transform concepts, objects, relationships, and objectives into concrete realities.

Your imagination and creative thinking influence everything you engage in, speculate about, and create. In every field, from education to technology and performing arts, it inspires complex ideas, desires, and innovations. Ultimately, regardless of your position, intelligence, upbringing, or line of work, your imagination shapes everything you accomplish since innovation requires imagination.


Improves Self-Expression Through Thinking And Writing  Thoughts

Expressing yourself can turn out to be one of your life’s biggest pleasures. Doing something that you love enables you to enhance your own personal feeling of well-being and have a substantial effect on society as a whole, whether it is through the arts, sports, cooking, or your work. Being creative allows you to convey your thoughts, feelings, situations, and distinctive points of view in a variety of ways that might not be possible through traditional channels of communication. It is a potent tool for self-expression and self-discovery. With your creative ability to share and storytelling, creative writing can help you process trauma or channel your personal worries. As a result, you’ll be more likely to express yourself creatively, which can help you overcome obstacles and enhance your state of mind.

Your notion of self-expression may be different from almost everyone else’s because you are a special individual. Therefore, your creative writing ability will help you communicate better and write freely, both in public and privately. Crafting a song or narrative can be a very therapeutic process, assisting you in constructively regulating your emotions and ideas. Actually, research indicates that putting pen to paper about emotional events can significantly improve one’s physical and mental well-being.

It is possible to experience emotional release and relief when you express yourself. You can channel your feelings through it, which lessens the weight of emotional distress. A feeling of independence and self-ownership can also be fostered via the creative process of self-expression. Writing and creative thought can be a transformational tool for one’s emotional wellness when it comes to self-expression. It might help you on your path to recovery and personal development.

Allows Better Development Of Empathy

Writing characters requires you to incorporate personalities, sentiments, and ideologies that are totally separate from your own. By doing this, you’ll be strengthening your empathy and learning to appreciate the perspectives of those who live different lives from you. By consistently concentrating on strong ideas in your creative writing, you will improve your emotional intelligence, listen more intently, and notice others’ nonverbal cues. It can help you become more sensitive to other people’s feelings, embrace your own weaknesses, and explore innovative perspectives.

Most people pick up empathy from watching those around them interact. Fortunately, you can always learn to be more empathic regardless of how old you are. Creative writing is one way to improve these specific abilities because, when you stop to think about it, your writing and artistic endeavors demand that you surrender feelings that are, in some way, present at the moment. Therefore, you will come to understand the essence of empathy when you let your creativity run wild and create a meaningful story.

Empathy is an excellent quality to possess while laying the groundwork for strong social ties. It will make others around you or close to you feel appreciated and encouraged as they overcome obstacles. Suppose you can empathize with and understand their concerns. In that case, you will be fostering a more cooperative atmosphere, eventually resulting in improved relationships and accomplishing your own and other people’s objectives.

Better Thought Clarification

Although it requires a lot of work, there are few activities that will challenge and foster creativity and short story telling skills as much as creative writing. Although creative writing isn’t often treated with the respect it merits as a field of study, taking the time to discover more about it will help you obtain the clarity you need and provide you with a set of useful and transferable abilities.

In creative writing, clarity refers to the ability to communicate concepts in a clear, straightforward, and cohesive way. Because they can concentrate on the story and characters instead of straining to understand the language, it increases reader engagement. Creating structures in the writing process aids in the organization of both your feelings and your ideas into a logic-driven procedure. You’ll be able to see things clearly on the job and throughout your life, and you’ll be able to lay out clear plans for future problem-solving.

Ensuring the work’s tone and style suit the intended audience is another aspect of creative writing clarity. To effectively convey your message and make sure that any supporting information is given in a way that is both relevant and easy to grasp, emphasize that clarity is crucial. Most people have a good understanding of what clear communication is. It gives them clear information that leaves no possibility for misinterpretation.


Broader Vocabulary

Of course, the basis of writing is vocabulary. It would be best to have an overwhelming amount of knowledge of words and an understanding of their appropriate usage to think and write creatively. You don’t have to be a nerd to learn them all since you can use your critical thinking abilities to identify the vocabulary words that are most important for your creative writing process.

You’re encouraged to broaden your vocabulary through creative writing as you experiment with different forms of self-expression. Your writing will improve with time, and you’ll notice an improvement in the language you employ and can utilize for any social or professional setting. It is crucial for motivating you to investigate narrative, story arrangement, and terminology. Creative writing encourages you to write with greater self-assurance. It allows you to explore new ideas and worlds without worrying about being viewed negatively, which can be challenging in strange contexts. This type of creative writing helps you develop your ability to express yourself artistically with words.

Insight – Enhance Your Career Opportunities

There will always be a demand for exceptional writers in all areas. The knowledge you acquire during your creative writing thinking will prove invaluable, regardless of whether the work requires good written or communication skills. Excellent writing abilities might be crucial not only for day jobs and interpersonal communication but also for understanding oneself. Your ability to think creatively will make you stand out from the crowd and project the finest potential image of yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are Creative Ideas In Writing?

What Do You Think Of Imaginatice Ideas For Writing?

How Do You Write Creative Thoughts?

How Can I Be Creative In Writing?

Why Is Creative Thinking Important In Writing?

What Is Creative Writing And Its Purpose?

Why Is Creative Thinking Important For Students?

What Is Creative Writing In Your Own Words?

How Does Creative Writing Help You In Your Daily Lives?

How is creative writing different from other forms of writing?
How do you develop creative writing among students?
What is the most important ingredient in creative writing?
What are the two main essentials of creative writing?
Which is important in creative writing the thought or the grammar?
What are the four purposes of creative writing?


The Overall Benefits Of Creative Ideas

Creative thinking is the process of coming up with original ideas. You can also combine ideas from the creative mind, whereas critical thinking is crucial for assessing and analyzing already-existing knowledge. While creative thinking incorporates intuition and insight, thinking critically involves logical and rational thought. Very few things are more satisfying than an artistic epiphany. A fresh, original thought might give you a sense of brilliance and limitlessness.



Many people think that inspiration for creative thought just happens. Even if you don’t believe you have a natural creative spark, there are actually lots of opportunities for you to apply creative problem-solving in your daily life. Though it doesn’t require much skill, creative thought does require practice.

The capacity to come up with original, workable, creative ideas that may open up fresh possibilities or innovative solutions is known as creative thinking. This kind of thinking highlights the value of creative thinking while appealing to the imagination. Creative thinking is an important ability that may help individuals and businesses in a wide range of areas; it’s not just for writers and artists. This essay will define creative thinking, discuss the advantages of honing this ability, and offer some methods for encouraging creativity.

Creative thinking is the capacity to look at an issue or circumstance from a different angle and devise novel, previously unconsidered, creative solutions. It entails thinking outside of the box, understanding, and coming up with original or unusual innovative ideas. In the ever-evolving world of today, it is an indispensable talent. It enables creative people to keep up with trends, respond to changing circumstances, and devise a creative process of solution. The ability to think creatively is not exclusive to designers or artists’ tools; it can be cultivated and used in any sector of the economy.

The Benefits Of Creative Thinking

It’s simple to get into the same cognitive patterns, particularly at work. However, such kinds of thinking can impede your creativity and hold you back from pursuing worthwhile endeavors. Any challenge can have a number of answers, as demonstrated by creative thinking, and honing your creative thinking abilities will speed up your ability to spot novel alternatives. You can challenge your personal presumptions, learn something fresh about yourself and your perspectives, maintain mental acuity, and even become more hopeful when you engage in expressive, creative thinking.

To think creatively, you must first awaken your interest. Developing a curious mind about an issue takes different forms in different businesses. Not only can creative minds improve your work performance, but it also improves your role as a leader, parent, and student. You may reap the benefits of creative thinking by honing your perceptive talents in many aspects of your life.

Creative Thoughts Benefits

Enhancing Problem-Solving Skills

Improving problem-solving abilities is one of perhaps the most important advantages of creative thinking. Using a creative approach to an issue enables us to generate creative ideas and several solutions, from which we may select the most effective one. This can be especially helpful when dealing with complicated issues requiring a multifaceted strategy. Furthermore, applying creative thinking can aid in reframing and changing our perspective on issues. When we approach an issue from a different angle, we frequently find novel and practical solutions that we might not have otherwise thought of.

Encourages Increased Productivity

Though it would appear that engaging in creative thought is a time-consuming diversion from your job, this couldn’t be closer to the reality. It’s simple to become irate when things aren’t functioning properly when we become mired in mental habits. Your productivity may suffer as a result of that frustration. When you’re stuck, taking time to practice creative thinking can assist you in coming up with fresh ideas, rekindle your enthusiasm, and find the drive again. You can overcome a wide range of obstacles by mind mapping and honing your creative thinking skills. As your cognitive system gets used to employing various unique ways of thinking, you’ll be able to identify patterns you may not have previously noticed.


Improves One’s Professional Path

Talented people and creative genius like Steve Jobs, who possess creative thinking abilities are highly valued for their ability to think creatively, evaluate data, solve issues creatively, and plan methodically. Consequently, professional development and job opportunities are improved by creative thinking. Thinking creatively increases your chances of coming up with original and cutting-edge solutions to problems that arise. This desire to find solutions to issues can inspire fresh approaches to work and contribute to a more smoothly operating company. You’ll start to seek out new knowledge more deliberately and be more motivated to set aside time for own creativity. Making the most of the present moment allows you to be as creative or quirky as possible.

Promoting Adaptability and Innovation

Fostering creativity is also necessary to promote adaptation and innovation. Creative problem-solving enables you to develop fresh, original ideas that may result in discoveries and breakthroughs. This can be especially helpful in industries where originality is essential to a successful outcome, like science, technology, and business. Furthermore, innovative thinking can support people and organizations in adjusting to changing conditions. When you approach problems creatively, you can find fresh angles and answers that might not have been obvious in other circumstances.

Increasing Self-Confidence and Expression

Your sense of self-worth and expressiveness can also be increased by creative thought. You can express yourself in novel ways and highlight your skills and abilities when participating in creative activities. You can also become more confident by honing your creative thinking knowledge. This can be especially helpful in creative industries where success depends on confidence and the ability to express oneself. But even in other domains, creative thinking can enhance your ability to express what you want convincingly and effectively, which increases your total efficacy.

Improved Interpersonal Interactions

Though it seems like an exhausting diversion from your everyday goals, creative thinking is beneficial. You can have more productive interactions and stronger bonds with individuals who are close to you by using creative thinking to express your thoughts clearly. Furthermore, group brainstorming is the ideal setting for many creative thinking techniques. Creating new ideas collaboratively can improve relationships and assist in combining concepts to produce truly inventive work. Meeting new creative person or persons and unleashing your creativity are two of its most potent benefits, particularly whether those people work in the performing arts or another industry. You can be inspired to see the world differently by talking to people and sharing your passions with them as you create your own art.

Encourages Greater Self-Awareness

The nature of thinking creatively and exploring fresh perspectives enables you to experiment with viewpoints you might not have previously considered or made an effort to work on. You might learn information about your presumptions, opinions, or prejudices that you were unaware of when investigating different viewpoints. Putting your usual thinking to the test might increase your emotional intelligence and self-awareness. It is especially important when attempting something new and departing from your routine. Thinking creatively improves your capacity to adopt a development mindset and redefine your viewpoint. This makes you more conscious of your influence on other individuals and allows you to consider what works and doesn’t work for you. This can assist you in recognizing your feelings and ideas and prevent you from losing focus and control of who you are.


Examines New Concepts

To define creativity, seeing matters and multiple perspectives from many angles is an example of fundamental components of creative thinking. This enables you to address issues thoroughly and integrate, accounting for all relevant aspects and causes. It also entails having an open mind in different angles and a willingness to investigate new notions. Thinking creatively is a skill that helps you prepare for difficult tasks. It is also a fantastic place to get ideas. Different perspectives and self-improvement are fostered by creativity. It propels you forward by inspiring you to pick up new skills and open your mind to cutting-edge ideas. Creative concepts have the power to motivate individuals to collaborate and increase output. Since innovative leadership fosters novel perspectives and concepts, it is the cornerstone of advancement and innovation. Also, it makes it easier for individuals to adapt to a constantly changing workplace.

Improving Well-Being And Mental Health

It has been demonstrated that being creatively active improves mental health and general well-being. We can feel less stressed, more optimistic, and have a greater sense of purpose and success when creatively involved. In addition, engaging in creative pursuits can induce a flow in which we lose all sense of time and become completely immersed in the task. This can be especially helpful for people who experience anxiety or depression since it makes them feel at ease and relaxed. There creative thinking has many advantages that can improve your life in various ways. You may improve your ability to solve problems, increase your self-expression and confidence, promote creativity and adaptation, and enhance the condition of your minds and bodies by honing your creative thinking abilities with neural pathways.

Creative Thoughts Benefits

Final Remarks

Individuals are always challenged and presented with challenges, which calls for critical thinking and creative problem-solving. This is where using creativity comes into action, providing various advantages that can improve your life in various ways. You could potentially assist yourself in realizing all that you can accomplish and develop novel answers to challenging issues by cultivating an environment that encourages creativity. The advantages listed above can improve your possibilities for a successful job, enhance your positive outlook on life, and assist you in moving forward. It’s undeniable that you can always benefit and rely on your creative thinking skills.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What Are The Benefits Of Creative Thinking?

What Is The Power Of Creative Thought?

What Is The Importance Of Creative Thinking In Learning?

Why Is Creative Thinking An Important Life Skill?

What are the benefits and advantages of creative thinking?
What are the benefits of creative and critical thinking?
What are the three purposes of creative thinking?
What are the benefits of a creative environment?
What are the benefits of creative thinking in children?
How is creative thinking used in everyday life?
What are the creative benefits of creative play?
What is creative thinking why is it important, and how to develop it?
What do you mean by a creative thought?
Is creative thinking a value?
How powerful is the power of thought?

Therapist-Approved Ways To Being Creative

Creativity can touch and influence us in a lot of ways. It can help us improve our personal scale without trying so hard. Creativeness combined with imagination becomes essential for our overall progress because it supports the development of our physical, emotional, and mental states. With that, here are a few therapist-approved ways to be creative.


Integrate Art

One of the significant aspects of creativity is exposure to different types of art. Therefore, we should learn how to value the importance of art integration in our lives. When we incorporate art into our daily routine, our brain starts to reflect on it and take it as a part of our individuality. This process trains us to become more self-aware and conscious of our surroundings. It makes us search for meaning, look through the depths of a message, and understand the information we grasp daily.

Integrating art into our lives makes us appreciate ourselves even better. It helps us gain inspiration towards our talents and capabilities that we often do not know existed. It enables us to think about thorough concepts and ideas that we want to focus on working on and share with the world.

Ask Questions

Asking questions creates a climate of curiosity. It is curiosity that defines creativity. It helps us gather information and use it to build particular connections of ideas to develop rational opinions. It enables us to summarize a concept and build something out of it. Asking questions is beneficial as it paves the way for us to gain better skills, particularly in imagination, knowledge, and mindfulness. It supports the benefits of creative thoughts as it allows us to have a space to learn and explore.

Asking questions also improves our communication skills as it may show we are paying attention to the things around us. It enhances our attentiveness as we show interest in things and people. It allows us to build stronger relationships with others and help us become more engaging.


Express Ideas

Effective mental health campaigns such as creativity, stem from ideas, whether it is small or big. Therefore, practicing ourselves to express ideas can help us trust the process of what we are doing. It can support our ability to stay focused and patient with any task or project. The more we express it, the more we’ll have access to and make it happen. Expressing ideas is about being positive in completing any future projects.

Since new concepts will come naturally, and we will be quicker to get any sessions to work and embrace new outcomes, expressing ideas will help us experience freedom. We can guarantee an expanded sense of time where we can put integrity in our work.

Embrace Risk

Working on creativity often comes with risks. That is because not all ideas are subject to acceptance since most of them tend to fail. However, embracing risk makes us more eager to achieve great results. And the more desensitized we are to failure, the more we become willing to take chances. It gives us the courage to express ourselves differently and try new things.

Embracing risk is a process. Once we get a hold of it, we can reap its seeds. It will make us achieve the things we always wanted and help us become more aware of other opportunities. It can increase our self-confidence and make us leave our comfort zone and do the things we don’t usually do.



It is such as important factor to take a step back and observe the things around us. Being observant can help us build our receptivity towards different things we like and those we don’t. Through observation, we can develop unique and rational opinions from the plenty of challenges we face daily. And when we are capable of looking at things differently, that’s when our creativity opens an opportunity.

Enhanced observant ability is essential to creativity as it promotes productivity, efficiency, recognition, and positive output. It helps us understand more the gap between ourselves towards our surroundings. It allows us to gain new knowledge and positive behavior that supports learning and development.

Practice Mindfulness

Mindfulness is a habit that is genuinely good for our overall emotional, physical, spiritual, and mental health. Its advantages continue beyond there. Mindfulness supports creativity as it helps bring positive mental energy and resilience. It is a technique that helps us achieve better attunement that allows us to play our skills and strengths efficiently. Mindfulness can enhance our ability to think clearly, become aware of our thoughts, and make us less distracted.

With mindfulness, our creativity heightens because it promotes emotional intelligence. It lets us clearly understand what acceptance, kindness, gratitude, and compassion are. All of which are the essentials for a happy and fulfilled life.


When we get down to what’s more important in life, which is to create something from scratch, we keep going. We will eventually realize that creation is the only way we can go further with our imagination and dreams.

Advantages Of Creative Therapy

Therapy usually refers to the treatment that helps individuals get through their emotional, physical, and mental health. Some examples include psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT), emotion-focused therapy, and many more. In this article, we will focus more on the advantages of the treatment, particularly creative therapy.


What Is A Creative Therapy, And When Do You Need To Get One?

Creative therapy uses a wide range of techniques that focus on expression and creativity, such as dance therapy, writing therapy, drama therapy, art therapy, and model-making. It is a type of therapy that supports expression in creative ways. At times when individuals are struggling with a condition, they may not be able to talk or want others to know about their situation. With their emotional and mental health struggle, they often find it hard to discuss their issue. Fortunately, creative therapy can enable them to release their true feelings and thoughts healthily.

Types Of Creative Therapy


Art Therapy

Art therapy is a technique that uses drawing, sketching, sculpting, doodling, and painting. Art therapy is for everybody who wants to release their thoughts and create something out of their current emotions. In art therapy, one does not need to be a brilliant artist or an expert in using some art materials. It is all about creating something out of the ordinary with the use of the available tools. Art therapy is best for people who are:

  • Struggling with learning disabilities.
  • Experiencing social problems at school.
  • Dealing with a traumatic event.
  • Struggling with severe stress.
  • Experiencing negative thoughts and emotions
  • Battling with mental health problems and disorders.
  • Living with a brain injury.
  • Having thoughts of self-harm and suicide.

Model Making

Model making is a type of treatment that supports imaginative and building skills. These may include making a miniature, diorama, building, figures, and so on. It helps individuals as most of the process requires concentration and focus. It improves their abilities, including accuracy, focus, awareness, imagination, and patience. Model-making is beneficial to people who are:

  • Dealing with a memory dysfunction or mental block.
  • Experiencing a lack of interest in most things.
  • Having emotional distress.
  • Struggling with mental clarity and focus.
  • Having difficulty processing feelings of loneliness.
  • Experiencing minor to major stress.


Dance Therapy

Dance therapy is one of the most engaging types of treatment, and people love it. This type of treatment requires bodily coordination that also helps with physical strength. Not only does it boost the overall physical immune system, but it also helps individuals to express their emotions and thoughts through their movements. It is genuinely therapeutic and fun to do. Some of the noteworthy benefits of dance therapy include the following:

  • Best stress reliever.
  • Increase physical fitness and immune function.
  • Lowers blood pressure levels
  • Develops motor skills.
  • Reconnects the mind and body.
  • Supports imagination and creativity.
  • Helps improve self-awareness and confidence.
  • Increases the ability to express emotions.



Writing Therapy

The easiest form of creative therapy is writing therapy. It is also known as journaling. People with mental and emotional health problems take advantage of creative thinking in writing to cultivate the ability to express thoughts and feelings in a more reflexive way. It helps individuals have control over their lives and gives them a sense of empowerment toward their desire for the future. Writing therapy provides the benefits of the following:

  • Gives better self-assessment
  • Provides appreciation and gratitude towards things
  • Supports mental clarity and focus
  • Decreases symptoms of anxiety and depression
  • Improves vocabulary and comprehension
  • Supports cognitive growth and development
  • Reduces emotional, physical, and mental distress
  • Boosts critical thinking and problem-solving skills
  • Encourages a lifestyle change


Drama Therapy

Drama therapy is a therapeutic form of treatment that requires interaction. It helps mentally and emotionally ill people to develop self-awareness and self-expression. It allows people to express emotions through controlled moods, which help with precise reactions to conflict, traumatic events, and life challenges. Drama therapy benefits those who want to picture the world in a different mindset without relying on direct communication. Other perks of this particular treatment include:

  • Helps prevent anxiety and depression symptoms.
  • Promote better mood regulation.
  • Increases empathy and understanding towards difficult situations.
  • Encourages change in perception towards addiction.
  • Creates a safe space for emotional growth and control.
  • Provides a different outlet for venting emotional distress.
  • Supports the rehearsal of healthy behavior.
  • Develops a meaningful change toward a new perspective


Takeaway And Insights

Mental and emotional problems affect people more than they realize. And sometimes, they deal with the situation differently from others. Creative therapies may work, but they may also not impact others. These activities can only provide people with immediate support. However, this does not guarantee a cure. Thus, it is always better to seek professional help in severe situations.

Healing Through Arts Therapy And Talking With A Counselor

Engaging in therapy and exploring artistic activities like painting can indeed be powerful tools for healing and self-expression. Therapists often use various techniques to help individuals navigate their emotions, thoughts, and experiences in a supportive and non-judgmental environment. Talking with a therapist provides an opportunity to express your feelings, gain insights into your challenges, and develop coping strategies. It can help you explore the underlying causes of your distress, work through past traumas, or develop skills for managing stress, anxiety, or other mental health issues. Therapists are trained professionals who can guide you through the healing process, offer perspective, and provide support as you navigate your personal journey. The act of art painting itself can be healing, as it allows you to focus your attention on the present moment, promotes mindfulness, and offers a therapy outlet for self-expression. Whether you choose to paint abstractly or representational forms, the process of creating art can be deeply personal and meaningful.

Understanding art therapy.

Have You Heard About How Painting Helps People Recover From A Mental Disorder?

Are you familiar with art therapy? Who could conduct art counseling according to the Art Therapy Credentials Board?  What are the creative process and art therapy credentials of this type of counseling? How could art therapy methods help? What’s the quality of the treatment and the creative process with an art therapist?

Unlike many, I grew up knowing about mental health problems and art therapy. You see, my big sister, Vanessa, was born with Down Syndrome. My parents welcomed the mental health diagnosis with open arms, and Vanessa had been going to various treatments and therapeutic services, like art therapy program, art therapy and traditional talk therapy, almost all her life.

The first time I learned about my sister’s condition was when my mother brought me with her before dropping off Vanessa at a special education school. I did not know anything about relatives looking alike, but I was aware of my sister’s face. So, when I looked outside and saw that many kids resembled Vanessa, I wanted to go out and play with our cousins. At least, that’s what I could assume those kids were.

Smiling gently, my mother said, “No, they are not your cousins, honey. They are your sister’s friends at school.”

“How can that be, momma? Everyone looks like,” I could only utter, confused.

“Honey, Vanessa has Down Syndrome. It is a form of neurological condition that practically makes her extra special. Her friends are dealing with the same thing, so they go to school together.”

Counseling through art.

Understanding Disorders The Hard Way

Of course, Mom’s explanation at the time did not make a lot of sense to my seven-year-old self. It was a bit complicated, and all I could remember was that Vanessa was special to our family. However, when our parents left us in the local park to play, that’s where my concerns began. Some kids came by and started pulling faces and putting their tongues out, making fun of my sister.

Although she was already 11 years old at the time, my big sister could still barely get three-syllable sentences out of her. It was not for lack of effort she’s giving – she had been seeing a speech-credentialed art therapist for as long as I could recall. I saw Vanessa try to tell off the bullies in that instant, but they could only laugh more at her slurred words.

We were lucky that Mom returned and could chase the bullies away. I could not have done anything to those big kids; they could have thrown me like a rag if I tried. Still, the incident made me want to help my sister more and other groups, networks, or community organizations of people with disorders like her.

Becoming An Art Counselor

Vanessa was the driving force behind my decision to pursue this type of counseling. She had improved through this counseling training so much ever since that bullying incident. Her confidence level grew; she could talk to almost anyone now. More importantly, she had a job of her own. It was a massive indication that therapy private practice, particularly arts counseling with a clinical therapist, was helpful for everyone as it also involved creative expression.


How I Started Art Therapy

As I neared the end of my Ph.D. program, though, I had to think of what kind of therapy expert I should become. I mean, would I be better off as a child pediatric, rehabilitation, schools, arts counseling, or even grief counselor with professional credentials? I needed and had to have a specialization and focus on that only, for example, on art treatment for mental health.

That’s when I remembered my sister again. Speech therapy worked for Vanessa later in life, but it did not honestly do much for her before her teenage years. It was ideal for my sister to express herself in art treatment through drawings and paintings during art therapy back then.

Then, it hit me: art treatment through art making. I am going to be an art treatment expert and professional counselor. The following are the benefits of engaging in creative therapy with art therapists to heal yourself.

According to the American Art Therapy Association, the primary benefit of offering the treatment is that this treatment never pushes the client to speak up and provide information about their trauma, for example, when they are still not comfortable and ready. More often than not, other art treatment experts from the American Art Therapy Association claim not to be pushy, but the only way most types of counseling will work is by ensuring that people talk about their past and current human experience and insight.

They believe that art therapy, particularly imagery rehearsal therapy, works only when one lets go of their troubles to gain self-awareness and self-esteem.

Effective mental health campaigns and research suggests that through art therapy, spoken words are not necessary at all for the treatment to move forward. Before my clients arrive and meet them, I lay out all the art treatment and art-making media I can find on the table for art treatment therapy. Then, I merely ask them to take a seat, get a sketchpad, and use whatever medium they feel like using in the practice.


Creativity Is A Great Stress Alleviator

I am not breaking the confidentiality code by admitting that some of my clients began their sessions with nothing but abstract knowledge. The messiness on the paper during the treatment reflected the chaos in their hearts and minds. But the more they express themselves during the sessions when we’re in contact, the more their artworks show more defined art lines.

Furthermore, creativity in this treatment is a great stress alleviator. Whether my clients have neurological or mental disorders, post-traumatic stress disorder or problems with self-expression, the reality is that they cannot get better due to the amount of stress they’re holding on to.

But when they do creative stuff or creative thinking in writing in art therapy, they get to be in a world of their own for at least an hour. Having the luxury to do these settings once a week can do wonders for diverse populations’ mental health conditions.

I can never fathom what my sister has gone through all her life. I cannot act like I understand everything that she may still be going through at this point. While she is as independent as she can be, the fact remains that some narrow-minded people will come up to her and question her credibility.

Besides looking after my sister, I believe that the most significant help I can offer is ensuring that other individuals like her have a unique way of showing their true feelings through the treatment. Try the workshops now and learn why most artistic people are interested in it.


Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What is counseling as an art?

Can painting be used as a therapy?

Is art therapy the same as psychotherapy?

What are the 4 types of art therapy services?

Can an art therapists diagnose?

What are 3 uses of art therapy?

Is art therapy a good career?

What happens in an art therapy session?

What are the cons of art therapy?

How can I do art therapy at home?

Learn How Art Affects People’s Feelings & Emotions

Creative individuals possess a unique and remarkable ability to think outside the box, generate novel ideas, and bring forth innovative solutions to various challenges. They have a natural inclination towards exploration, imagination, and self-expression and often find fulfillment and joy in the creative process itself. One defining benefits of creative thoughts of individuals is their openness to new and real artistic experiences. They actively seek out diverse stimuli and perspectives, allowing them to make connections between seemingly unrelated ideas or concepts. This ability to combine different elements or viewpoints often leads to the generation of fresh, real and unconventional ideas.

What are artistic and creative people?  They are individuals who use their feelings, creativity, and imagination. How are they different from most people, from the rest of the individuals, and even from some children out there in this world?

people and art

My parents, who are artistic individuals, tend to tell me that optimism is the key to success for artistic people. Mom said, “Look at my beaded jewelry business. Many creative people told me that I should keep my talent as a hobby- that I should not try to sell my project, my creative side, and make money out of it because I would merely get brokenhearted. If I allowed their pessimism to consume me, I would achieve the impossible and not be independent and successful now.”

Dad often added, “And look at my hydroponics business profession. My friends laughed at me because I was planting crops in water instead of soil, but I remained positive that it would work. Who’s laughing now?”

Individuals Who Are Artistic Are Creative

My parents, who were creative people, were right – they received many negative ideas or comments from people when they decided to research and start their artistic career businesses.

The primary reason was that their products were a bit unconventional, especially in the early 90s. Moms in the suburbs only took care of their kids and were not expected to work, while dads had 9-to-5 jobs in corporate offices. My parents refused to conform to the norms, so they were criticized for having an artistic personality that focused on self-expression.

Did you know that people have creative talents? My family influenced me to express my emotions through painting and crafts. If you sensed that I had hippies for parents, you were 100% correct. My schoolmates usually poked fun at me because of their impulsive fashion sense and lifestyle. Some people in our neighborhood even called us “American Gypsies” behind our backs. It creates an unwanted feeling. However, there was never a time that I felt ashamed of my mom and dad. I was too sensitive, and if anything,

These people inspired me to abide by my own rules and hone my ability and artistic side.

There’s no need for me to undergo a test for Holland Codes. As I was growing up and getting inspired by legends, I developed a passion for painting and crafts, specifically painting. I was not highly selective in my medium; I would use anything that I found in my surroundings that seemed interesting and significant at the moment. It could be crayons, pencils, oil pastels, watercolors, acrylic paints, etc. One time, I even felt like using dissolving condiments and using them to paint. Guess I have a creative personality as a person, after all.


Are artistic people often creative or imaginative?

Of course, many people called me, my act, and other creators eccentric and silly because of my creative type.

We lived in the suburbs where everything was plain and boring – no one believed and expected that creative people could make it out there. Lucky for me, though, I had supportive parents who allowed me to venture to New York on my own after high school and try to sell my paintings there.

Since I was the most decent painter in my suburban neighborhood, I carried the belief that it would be easy peasy for me to find people who show interest in my paintings which I spend most of my time. The plan was for me to stay in New York for two weeks,

Sell my artwork, and go back home to paint some more.

Do you want to know the struggles of creative people? It was technically a flawless plan in my mind. I even imagined how I should react once the neighbors and my former schoolmates learned that I was a hit in New York. However, I overlooked that many creative people were trying to make it big in the concrete jungle like me. I met some people with creative careers who were more creative than I could ever be, but their artworks were collecting dust in their tiny apartments as they tried to get by through other occupations like waitressing or doing street patterns and performances. I met a writer creative thinking in writing who works tirelessly but gets no recognition. A sculptor who is great at designing new things and working influential beauty from scratch. Such creative people with different characteristics and are full of hope, but such artistic individuals tend to do other things in order to sustain their passion and artistic type.



That was necessarily traumatizing for me. I suddenly felt small and decided to go back home with all my paintings. My mom was even surprised when she saw me outside the door a week later. I told her immediately about what I learned. Crying, I said, “Perhaps I am not meant to become a painter. I should probably enroll in a college and prefer to become an accountant or something.”

My mother hugged me tightly. “What did I tell you before? Optimism is the key to success. If you let fear and negativity take over your life, then you really can’t get anywhere.”

Optimism Is The Key To Success, Never Let Fear Take Over Your Life

One of the perks of having creative individiuals as parents were that they were more open to mental health treatments than anyone. From what I understood, mom and dad had been staying in touch with a marriage counselor for more than a decade now. They hardly ever disagreed on anything, but they said that it never hurt to assess their free thoughts and emotions regularly. That made me feel better about getting counseling at 18 years old. It feels like I’m creating a new phase for myself.

Creative parents are more open to mental health treatments than anyone.


people and art

When I met one right outside of town, I rehashed my worries and observations of my personality traits to the counselor. I also said that my biggest fear was growing old and relying on my parents because my big business dreams would never come to fruition. But then, the counselor encouraged me to think outside the box, explore, and create ideas even if it’s from my imagination or not because being imaginative is not a curse but a gift that can provide some inspiration to others.

“Selling your paintings in one place is not the only way to realize your dreams,” the counselor said.

“We have the internet now; you can use it to make your creative side known to the public. Since your mom and dad are very supportive, they will perhaps help you hold an art exhibition in the city. Your choices are endless when you open yourself up to possibilities.”

Creative Endeavor Of Someone With Talent In Painting & Crafts – Final Thoughts

After my art counseling sessions, I felt convinced that I could do it this time as an artistic person. I started small by exhibiting my paintings in a local museum. Then, a new art gallery director in another state invited me to showcase the creative side there, too. I eventually struck gold and signed a ten-year deal with various galleries that believed in me, especially in my art, drama, and creativity. See how counseling will work for you as an artistic personality type of person, too.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) –  People And Art

What is a creative person?

What do you call a very creative person?

Which six personality types are the most creative?

What are creative behaviors?

What are the 5 traits of a creative person?

Why painters are loners?

Are painters intelligent?

Why are creative people emotional?

Are all painters mentally ill?

Are painters shy?

Questions About Imagery Rehearsal Therapy

What is imagery rehearsal therapy? New data from research has experts believe that creativity can also bring a significantly positive impact on mental health. Think about when you’re all alone, painting for fun, rearranging your room, or even just daydreaming. In all those moments, you are exercising your creativity in a restorative way with the help of pleasant imagery exercises. And while it’s not as productive as creating a logo or branding for your company, it still brings a sense of fulfillment.

Nowadays, productivity and success have become measures of how useful your creativity can be. Everything from branding to marketing strategies has been linked to thinking outside the box. It seems as if you always need to make something unique and valuable to validate your creativity. And so, in the midst of this fast-paced world, creativity has started to come with pressure and stress. It’s a nightmare to be a creative in this era.

therapy through art creativity and productivity

All About Imagery Rehearsal Therapy

Treatment Benefits

Aside from the rush of accomplishment, one benefits of creative thoughts and being creative on your own terms is giving you inspiration for life. Additionally, unleashing your creativity through the arts or creative thinking in writing can also be a great medium for expressing hidden thoughts and emotions just like most artistic people.  Some mental health professionals thus use art to bring clients out of their shells. Imagery rehearsal therapy (IRT) can also help its recipients feel content and relieve anxiety, while also potentially mitigating post traumatic stress disorder. Some randomized controlled trials have that evidence also points to it being able to mitigate severe mental health concerns.

But the use of a creative mind doesn’t end with simply realizing your mind through art. Recently, experts have come across the benefits of a new type of therapy called imagery rehearsal therapy IRT.

There is still a growing number of studies on image rehearsal therapy, but some researchers have already found significant results. Specifically, one research has shown the effectiveness of imagery rehearsal therapy in addressing the intensity of frequent nightmares associated with posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD).

How Does Our Creative Mind Take Action With Imagery Rehearsal Therapy?

What Can You Do With Creativity?

Well, just as the name suggests, imagery rehearsal therapy IRT treatment is a type of treatment where you practice your creative mind. You’ll begin to discuss and run through background information on your chronic nightmares with your therapist. Then, according to what you can think of, you’ll make a new ending or an alternate scene to manage them.

Often, our nightmares or terrifying and disturbing dreams leave us traumatized and scared more than ever. But with IRT treatment, you can fantasize and rehearse about an entirely different ending.

If you want to learn more about imagery therapy, you should read through the next sections. We’ve compiled a few of the frequently asked questions about imagery rehearsal therapy and its role in the field of effective mental health campaigns or diverse psychiatric diagnoses.

How Does Imagery Rehearsal Treatment Work?

Imagery therapy works by re-visiting nightmares. It interprets these nightmares into different, non-threatening memories. This type of remedy focuses on reformulating your understanding of bad dreams. It helps create a conclusion for the narrative that is less traumatizing.

What Exactly Is A Good Nightmare Treatment?

Alongside a healthy and consistent pre-bedtime routine, provide positive reassurances to yourself. You can also take sleep medicine if recommended by a doctor. Therapy has been at the forefront of minimizing, if not eliminating, nightmares’ adverse effects.

A man sleeping comfortable on his bed

What Helps With PTSD Nightmares?

Often, medication and cognitive behavioral therapy are the two best options to defeat post-traumatic stress disorder nightmares. Certain medications target particular symptoms or effects of nightmares caused by PTSD. While others generally treat anxiety, panic disorder, and depression. Cognitive behavior therapy is an umbrella concept. It covers different kinds and other forms of therapy programs. When used alongside cognitive behavioral therapy, IRT can have increased benefits.

What Is CPT For PTSD?

CPT for PTSD is a method utilized to help cope with negative feelings. These emotional responses include but are not limited to anger, fear, grief, and guilt. Professionals can help those who have PTSD  symptoms to establish an anchor. They are focused on developing a mindset that reduces bad dreams that contribute to self-blame for traumatic content experiences.

What Exactly Is CPT?

CPT is a cognitive processing therapy. It is a form of remedy that falls under the umbrella of cognitive-behavioral therapy. CPT is a randomized controlled trial test and is a proven method of learned behaviors helpful to those who have PTSD following traumatic events.

In counseling, CPT refers to a therapy program based on evidence-based treatment. It involves diagnosis, remedy, and prioritizing certain aspects of the recovery process—the therapist functions as your aid in processing terrifying ordeals. The assistance of a therapist can also alleviate other symptoms of depression and anxiety. If successful, it can push toward building back confidence and trust.


We hope our list of FAQs has helped you truly understand the importance of creativity and IRT. If you’re suffering from nightmare disorder, even without the underlying mental health conditions, then you may also benefit from this treatment. Having post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) with graphic triggers may also be another reason for trying out imagery rehearsal therapy IRT alone or with group counseling. It can be a good idea to combine IRT with other forms of therapy, such as cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) and cognitive processing therapy (CPT). Behavioral therapy in general can help a person improve how they approach their mental health conditions.

Remember, your nightmares are nothing but an example of scenarios your subconscious can think of. And so, as long as you can dream and believe in a happy ending, you can change your nighttime dreams to a new dream.

Not everyone can consider switching the entirety of their nightmares as the better option. Thus, they create entirely new scenarios and train their brain to dream of such. There isn’t a technique fitting all people, so discuss your situation with your therapist.

How Can It Affects Your Overall Wellness

a woman who just woke up and feeling refreshed from a wonderful sleep

Considering their key role, you should be very meticulous when it comes to choosing an IRT professional. The first thing to look for is a therapist’s credentials. Ensure you’re visiting a mental health professional with the appropriate licenses and specific training in image rehearsal therapy IRT.

Your chosen therapist should also have a positive ending track record when it comes to PTSD patients. Each PTSD patient has a different trigger to avoid. So, to prevent yourself from losing all your progress, find a compassionate and understanding therapist.

You should also consider a potential therapist’s communication skills. Some people find it uncomfortable to share their scariest nightmares for fear of being reduced to what their subconscious thinks. So, you’d want to talk to someone who won’t judge your frightening nightmares, no matter how petty or dark they can be.

Since creativity plays a big factor in your mental health healing, you also have to make this a priority. Find a therapist who can match your thoughts and help you bring out your most creative self. Once you check all these criteria, you’ll be good to go. Soon, you’ll learn to improve your sleep quality, control your mind, reduce nightmares, and boost your mental health.

IRT can also be used alongside

Final Thoughts And Takeaway

Truly, creativity can take you places. It can improve your mental health, social interactions with your family and peers, and even your career. So if you have doubts about what your mind can create, you should try to improve your daytime energy and creative thinking and get a better understanding of your trauma experience.

With a creative mind, you can change your situation, dream what you can think, and be what you can dream.

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. Is IRT evidence-based?
  2. What is imagery rehearsal therapy?
  3. How effective is IRT?
  4. When do we use IRT?
  5. How do you perform IRT?
  6. How do you conduct IRT?
  7. How do you treat nightmares?
  8. What helps with PTSD nightmares?
  9. Can therapists help treat nightmares?
  10. How do you get rid of PTSD nightmares?

Marketing 101: All About The 4 Effective Cognitive Health Wellness Campaigns

Mental health is now becoming a global issue. With this, more and more brands are coming up with mental health awareness campaigns to raise awareness and break the mental health stigma. But with the sheer number of companies that use this strategy, only a few have been successful. Let’s take a look at the most effective and practical mental health campaigns of 2020.

The #HeadsUp


The research revealed that the most common death cause for men younger than 45 years old is suicide. Therefore, Heads Together and FA partnered to develop impactful psychological soundness movements that will discuss the mental health stigma of cognitive illness or cognitive disorder while highlighting how poor the understanding is of the gravity of this topic. That’s why they showed strategies on how to support those experiencing mental health issues or mental illness.


Understanding The Importance Of The Digital Awareness Approach That Supports Cognitive Wellness


What stood out with these mental health ads is how they discussed the perspective of men. The reality is that men are less likely to ask for help and support from others. They shy away from sharing their emotions with other young people. This concept was the focus of the campaign’s key messages.


Heads and FA found the perfect avenue for this movement. They maximized sports to send the message through the help of its primary ambassador, Prince William. #HeadsUp rolled out to all sports tiers – including both the amateurs and the mental health professionals to reach a wider audience.


Few Of The Effective Digital Campaigns Useful for Cognitive Wellness


Among all the conversation topics, men are most likely to lean towards sports. The majority of them equally enjoy participating in them and talking about them.  Thus, they anchored the campaign or movement in sports, given that it is a huge opportunity.  That’s why they followed this up with how they can tap the next phase of this content conversation as an opening to seek support resources for mental health.


Leeds NHS



MindMate spearheaded Leeds NHS, a multi-channel mental health awareness movement. All of these initiatives started by creating a website. Since they identified that younger audiences and young adults are part of the vulnerable population, they entered the digital realm.


The site did not only feature educational resources and games. It also collaborated with those individuals suffering from cognitive well-being problems, wherein they featured their real-life stories. The reason why they did this was simple. They want to show everyone that what they are feeling is not an isolated case. Instead, this is the reality of life, and anyone may pass by this roadblock.


In 2018, they stepped up the game. To be able to reach more of the target market, they expanded the crusade through Snapchat. They drafted ten Snapchat filters for their MindMate ambassadors, and this is where the interaction revolves. It was a trend back then, so it sparked the interest of the young generation.


The result? More people felt more comfortable speaking out about the key message that they’re also undergoing cognitive disorders and problems. It also became an avenue for them to talk openly to those who they feel understand them as well.


The Power Of Okay


It’s not surprising that mental health problems are prevalent in the workplace. Yes, a lot of employers see this as something personal. That’s why they tend to keep their hands off from the issue. However, most leaders miss out that cognitive conditions also impact the way an employee works. That’s where See Me, a national program of Scotland, came in.


The Power of Okay aimed to end mental health discrimination, especially in places where this usually occurs. They pinpointed this as the workplace.


They started the movement by surveying 1,165 Scottish workers. They asked about different topics on cognitive wellness services and disorders and what their attitude is towards it. The results revealed that 48 percent do not talk to their employers regarding health issues like these since they’re afraid to lose their jobs. At the same time, 55 percent do not speak up due to the fear of not getting promoted.


The movement was anchored on a video showing the realities in the workplace. It revolved around the concept of colleagues asking each other, ‘”Are you okay?” It was a massive success since it adopted the employee’s everyday language in their work environment. It also aimed to normalize this phrase to keep the conversations going and eliminate the fear they feel.


The #HereForYou


Instagram launched the #HereForYou social media campaign in 2017. They timed it to coincide with Mental Health Awareness Month in May and aim to focus on helping the target audience.


This concept started with the idea that social media is becoming a powerful tool for sharing cognitive soundness journeys fearlessly. They feel that this platform, particularly Instagram, is an excellent avenue for a community to help. It’s not something new to Instagram since they observed various effective mental health campaigns there, and they easily connect to those in need.


That’s where the hashtag, #HereForYou, came in. They made sure that those who are still lost on their journey receive support by just placing this hashtag on their photos or stories posted.


They also supported this mental health campaign with an app that will anonymously help users struggling with cognitive health. After receiving tips, Instagram reaches out to that particular user. They offer support options such as giving cognitive soundness resources, promoting cognitive wellness apps, or even connecting them with mental health organizations.

Wellness Awareness Final Thoughts And Take Away To Consider

It’s good to know that more and more brands are now entering the realm of psychological soundness. They use their strong following to teach and provide knowledge regarding this sensitive topic. Hopefully, we get to slowly break the stigma through the help of their cognitive wellness ad health campaign by constantly raising health awareness.

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes an impactful cognitive wellness movement?

What is an example of a cognitive wellness crusade?

How do you campaign cognitive wellness awareness?

What is a psychological wellness advocacy campaign?

What is the mental health campaigns and reform?

What movement reduces stigma about cognitive soundness?

What is the drive for World Mental Health Day?

What is the campaign slogan for cognitive wellness?

Why is the psychological wellness awareness movement important?

How can I promote Cognitive Wellness Day?

How to promote mental health awareness quotes?

What successful cognitive wellness movements help instill positivity in people with psychological issues?

What’s the Stamp Out Stigma all about?

Why is it beneficial to decrease stigma relating to cognitive wellness?

How can the media promote or affect people’s approach to cognitive wellness?


How To Prepare For Power Outage When Marketing Family Products Around The Country


Ever since I watched that Pepsi commercial where P!nk, Beyonce, and Britney Spears go on gladiator mode while singing We Will Rock You by Queen in high school, I dreamed of being in the marketing and advertising world. I was not aspiring to be a model for the record, even though those artists’ performance was exceptional. I was more in awe of how impactful that campaign had been, to the extent that the only thing I saw kids drinking at the cafeteria in the following weeks was a Pepsi cola.

When I got into college, therefore, I tried my best to learn how to market such household products. I had high hopes of joining a massive company after graduation and being able to campaign around the country, so I wanted to absorb as much information as I could while at school.

The massive break came a few years later when my company gave me a managerial position. My first task? Market LED lights throughout the 50 states. The scheme would take up an entire year, so my team had to develop a series of marketing strategies to ensure that our brand would be a household name in the end.


The Uncontrollable Problem

 In truth, the brainstorming part of my job was easy. I was fortunate to have team members who did not like slacking off. We had commercials, print ads, and events prepared in less than a month.

Among the many constants in the world, though, power failure is one of them. This happens when the weather gets too extreme at any season, and the electric posts and cables suffer from inevitable damages that cause a lack of electricity for a short period. Although it is an issue that a situation that no human or technology can control, it gets in the way of our marketing task. After all, we are selling LED lights. How can people realize how good our products are if there’s no way to turn them on?

Nevertheless, since none of us wanted to lose hope, we looked for ways to handle possible power outages.


Invest On High-Quality Generators

The first thing on our must-have list is a high-quality generator—or three. The reason is that we wanted to travel to different locations by land for most of the year. We also planned on bringing props and stages to highlight our latest products. As mentioned above, it is impossible to do all that for a LED lighting company when there is no electricity.

In truth, you need not buy generators that are almost as big as a hut. You only need to get a few portable ones, considering you will be lugging them from one region to another. But try not to buy the cheapest one you can find on the market because it might break down in the middle of an event and cost you more than necessary.

Having multiple generators is also essential since the last thing you want is to plug everything in one machine. There’s this thing called overloading, which entails that there are too many devices trying to get electricity from a generator. The more machines you have, the less you can avoid power failure.


Make Sure Everyone Knows What To Do During A Power Outage

Before my team and I embarked on our marketing journey, I insisted on doing a dry run. Many did not want to, saying that power outages were rare in the country. However, there was no harm in doing that because we had to prepare for everything.

As the mini drill was happening, we realized something at once: no one knew how to turn on the generator. Everyone was merely fumbling with the equipment but not doing anything to light up our setup. We had to call our electrical engineer to teach us the basics before resuming the drill.

Imagine, if we went on to do the events without anyone having any idea about what to do during a power outage, our company would have already lost a fortune. All we would be able to do was apologize to the guests and say, “Sorry, we can’t operate our generators.” No, that’s not acceptable.


Final Thoughts

There are not many things that we can do when the electricity goes out. That is especially true when you are doing a special event in a foreign location. You don’t know who to ask for help; you may not even know where to buy candles or whatever.

But when you bring generators wherever you go and learn how to use it, you are taking control of the situation. You will no longer need to wait for the electric company to resolve the problem for you since you have the right tools to fix it, albeit temporarily.

Try to think of power outages before marketing family products around the country. Good luck!

Home Photography Projects You Can Do While You’re Social Distancing




Now that the coronavirus has spread across the world and almost everyone is practicing social distancing to help prevent further transmission – that leaves us with so much idle time. And with graduations, weddings, and proms canceled, photographers are tremendously affected financially as there have been no events to do photoshoots for because of the pandemic.

Well, instead of just moping around and feeling anxious about where your photography business is going and if you’ll ever recover financially, it would be much better if you think positively and concentrate on doing home photography projects that can encourage you to become a more improved, if not the best, photographer, that you can be.

Being a Photographer

Part of being a better photographer is having the ability to withstand the challenges of the photography industry and embracing the fact that you will need to learn new things every day to enhance your skills and expand your knowledge about the field. What a lot of photographers think, though, is that to feel challenged, one should go places, particularly those far locations, to get the inspiration that he needs to be able to capture a winning photo. But that is simply not the case (aside from the fact that it is impossible to do now!). While you’re at home trying to stay safe, you can always find beautiful and unique things and angles in your home that are worth taking pictures of – and worth selling.

Below is a list of home photography shoots that you can conveniently do with your hours of downtime and boredom while you’re stuck at home because of COVID-19.




Capture the color and taste of food

It’s not so hard to take a picture of what’s on the table using your smartphone. However, for this photography task, show the art of food by focusing on the color of the spices and the ingredients used in making the meal. Zoom in to the pepper flakes, curry powder, paprika, or black pepper for your audience to imagine the delicious taste of the food. Just make sure that you add sufficient lighting.

Focus on water and oil

This has to do with abstract art. One way of delivering this technique is by using a colored cloth or paper and arranging it on a table. Get a transparent glass dish filled with water and add a few drops of oil on it. When you’ve placed it on top of the cloth, turn on your light source – it can either be from an incandescent lamp or just your camera flash – then capture the amazing movement of the two elements. After seeing the results, you won’t believe that you shot the photo yourself. It’s stunning! Just like the pictures that you see in malls and offices, the simple yet powerful interaction between oil and water.

Play with water alone

Now you can try something nice with water alone. Use a container that has a small hole where small drops of water can pass through. Choose a good light source, like the sunlight beside a window, a plain background, and a great camera setup that can justify the water drops in midair. Simple but beautiful, and yet the procedure of getting the right kind of light and the timing is quite complex. Do this more often so you can master it and do it anywhere in your home.




Appreciate what’s below you sometimes

The usual photographs that we see are at our eye level, but if we come to think of it, your photographs will soon become boring and dull. There’s not so much you can explore when you’re stuck at home, but if you try looking down – at your feet – you’ll realize that there are picture-worthy subjects after all. Notice how your toes look on your tiled floor – how disfigured or nicely formed they are when they are all spread out on a hard surface. Go to your garden and look down on the wonderfully tailored grass. Now focus and see beyond what is there – the perpendicular angle formed between your feet and the grass or the yellow and red shades that you see from your periphery are worth capturing.

Whatever things, angles, or ideas you may be learning from the comfort of your home, remember to take photographs that will help you appreciate what you have. Despite the pandemic that we are in, we must keep the positivity and reflect that vibe through the images we take.